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Appaloosa bay blanket colt Atlas

- [4.3. 2025]
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Appaloosa bay blanket colt Atlas - 1
Appaloosa bay blanket colt Atlas - 2
Appaloosa bay blanket colt Atlas - 3
Appaloosa bay blanket colt Atlas - 4
Appaloosa bay blanket colt Atlas - 5
Appaloosa bay blanket colt Atlas - 6
Appaloosa bay blanket colt Atlas - 7
Appaloosa bay blanket colt Atlas - 8
Appaloosa bay blanket colt Atlas - 9
Due to unserious buyers, this beautiful bay blanket colt is up for grabs again!
DOB: 24/2/2025
Barn name: Atlas
Registered name (pending) : SND Mighty Lil Atlas
Gender: Colt
Expected height: 150-155cm

This colt presents himself with eye-cathing color, curious nature and correct conformation.
He's free of all diseases in perfect health. Both parents are 6 panel N/N - tested.
By the time he's weaned, he'll be used to people, he'll know foal's ABC. He'll be equipped with Passport and Pedigree by ApHC.
He'll be growing in environment which would desensitize him for all kinds of actions - he'll be around people, dogs, tractors, noise, cars etc. He'll be used to being stabled in and to live on a pasture.

To see more pictures, check his album on our FB page: SPOTS N DOTS RANCH
Price: 5000eur

We can make a reservation for him and he can be picked up any time after he's weaned.
About us - we are a small family ranch, we treat our animals as family members, and we are always prepared to make agreements with our costumers to satisfy both parties.
We have many experiences with selling/purchasing horses abroad, so we're more than happy to help our potential costumer with providing information regarding international purchase of a horse. Our foals can be found all around Europe (Germany, Hungary, Croatia, Poland, Greece ..)

We are located in 8254 Globoko, Slovenia.
You can message us on +38631748061 (Whatsapp) or send an e-mail to spotsndotsranch @
You can also message or follow us on Facebook - Spots N Dots Ranch
Avoid messaging us through Bazos, because we don't come around often. Contact us via options listed above (Whatsapp, E-mail or FB).


Spots N Dots Ranch


386... zobraz číslo

Lokalita:Mapa123 45 Zahraničie


444 ľudí


5 000 €
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