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LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO-brown, with super ped. FCI

- [17.2. 2025]
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LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO-brown, with super ped. FCI - 1
LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO-brown, with super ped. FCI - 2
LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO-brown, with super ped. FCI - 3
LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO-brown, with super ped. FCI - 4
LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO-brown, with super ped. FCI - 5
LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO-brown, with super ped. FCI - 6
LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO-brown, with super ped. FCI - 7
LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO-brown, with super ped. FCI - 8
LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO-brown, with super ped. FCI - 9
LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO-brown, with super ped. FCI - 10
LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO-brown, with super ped. FCI

We speak english, rozumíme česky a slovensky

mama -Lavender Island A-PRINCE (J.WW 21,Multichampion Cruz Ramirez + WW.22, Multichampion Frise Deluxe Ludovica)
-HD A, ED 0/0, furnishing F/f, Je, LSD,prcd-PRA, NAD, SLC-clear

tata -J.Ch.PL CASSINO Mera Vallis (CIB Picobello Górska Fantazja & Nicosia Górska Fantazja)
-HD A, ED 0/0, furnishing F/F, Je, Huu, NAD-clear

Parents with excellent mental and physical health, with tests for genetic diseases

Our puppies have constant contact with children and animals.
Puppies in our kennel come from excellent lines, and parents are selected not only in terms of exterior, but above all in terms of mental and physical health.

On the day of collection, the puppy has:
- health book
- FCI birth certificate
- layette with food
- breeder's instructions

Puppies leaving the kennel are:
- dewormed according to age,
- vaccinated,
- after breeding inspection,
- after veterinary inspection,

More information about the kennel, parents and puppies on the phone

Price 1500-2000euro

For puppies booked abroad, assistance in obtaining the necessary documents
on fb. personifikacja

Registračné číslo chovu: 8829




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